Busy Weekend
Busy this weekend. Shopping in Civic yesterday, bought my first comic in 10 years from Impact comics, Jim Butcher`s The Dresden Files : Welcome to the Jungle, It`s a Hardcover colation of a 4 part comic, The Dresden Files is a series of Novel(and a short lived TV show) about a wizard(Much better than Harry Potter), currently they are releasing 4 part comic versions of the novels, so i`ll be grabbing these every few months.
Today our internet rolled over so no more throttling and we are back to full speed. We went to Injoy at Gold Creek Village to have brunch with Adam and Natalie and our God-Daughter Haley, which we enjoyed as we are so busy lately we don`t see them nearly as much as we would like to. We finally got to give her, her christmas and birthday presents, which gives you an idea of how busy we are. We then came home and did grocery shopping for the fortnight and just got back from visiting Adele`s Great Aunt. We took smelly Ellie with us which Aunty Elaine seemed to enjoy. We then took smelly for a walk.
This fortnight my parents come down for the weekend as well as my sister Clare and her husband Shane(we assume he`s coming) Clare is being admitted at the Supreme Court so she can practice law(Time to go stir up some trouble and test her skills out).
So now that`s all out of the way, what have I found this week :
Swine Flu Photo :
- This was quite cool.
Anyone know anyone who still uses shower curtains :
I saw Terminator Salvation last week. Not bad, not great, I enjoyed it alot more than Terminator 3 though. So all up, Good work McG.
Alright, time to go forage. Goodnight all.