Category: Weekend

Our Weekend

By phroghollow, April 11, 2010 10:21 am

We’ve had a lovely weekend, its been so nice to share it with my husband )

Started with a quiet night on Friday night, we did take Ellie for a big walk around the river and then spent the night at home catching up on our TV viewing. Ellie slept she was very tired )

Saturday was a fairly uneventful day as well but we did make to the Toyota dealership to test drive a Toyota Hilux. I was impressed, it actually felt easier to drive being up high, reversing however is a another story!!! So now it just a matter of speaking to our finance people to see if we can make it work, if not then we’ll look for something else. We were actually at the dealership for about 3 hours!! That did include about an hour for the test drive, all I can say is that they have their routine finely tuned, we spoke to 3 different people about various things before we allowed to leave! They did bring the Hilux that we test drove all the way out from Belconnen for us, I was impressed, but I guess they do just about anything to make a sale )

Today has been very relaxing, bit of a sleep in then off to the gym for a work out we’ve both being doing an extra 10 minutes cardio all week to try and work off some of our Easter badness!! This afternoon we went out to Brand Depot to get new sneakers for Daniel, he has just about worn out his old ones, he works them too hard at the gym )

Took Ellie to the park yesterday afternoon and this afternoon for a short walk and then some playtime on the big oval, she was more interested is saying hello to all the people and chasing birds then chasing her toys!!

So that was our weekend, nice and quiet, we were thinking of Mary and Alan today, hope your farewell picnic was fun!!

Have a good week all xxx

Busy Weekend

By phroghollow, June 14, 2009 5:39 am

Busy this weekend. Shopping in Civic yesterday, bought my first comic in 10 years from Impact comics, Jim Butcher`s The Dresden Files : Welcome to the Jungle, It`s a Hardcover colation of a 4 part comic, The Dresden Files is a series of Novel(and a short lived TV show) about a wizard(Much better than Harry Potter), currently they are releasing 4 part comic versions of the novels, so i`ll be grabbing these every few months.

Today our internet rolled over so no more throttling and we are back to full speed. We went to Injoy at Gold Creek Village to have brunch with Adam and Natalie and our God-Daughter Haley, which we enjoyed as we are so busy lately we don`t see them nearly as much as we would like to. We finally got to give her, her christmas and birthday presents, which gives you an idea of how busy we are. We then came home and did grocery shopping for the fortnight and just got back from visiting Adele`s Great Aunt. We took smelly Ellie with us which Aunty Elaine seemed to enjoy. We then took smelly for a walk.

This fortnight my parents come down for the weekend as well as my sister Clare and her husband Shane(we assume he`s coming) Clare is being admitted at the Supreme Court so she can practice law(Time to go stir up some trouble and test her skills out).

So now that`s all out of the way, what have I found this week :
Swine Flu Photo :

- This was quite cool.

Anyone know anyone who still uses shower curtains :
I saw Terminator Salvation last week. Not bad, not great, I enjoyed it alot more than Terminator 3 though. So all up, Good work McG.

Alright, time to go forage. Goodnight all.

First Day Off

By phroghollow, June 4, 2009 5:40 am

Well, I haven`t been motivated to do anything today(well besides sleep a bit). So I thought i`d do a quick blog, hasn`t been much happening to update you this week, we`re off to Sydney this weekend to visit Adele`s friend Gemma and her husband Sam & their daughter Natalie who you`ve all heard about on Adele`s Blog. So we`re staying in Parramatta, time to get the GPS out again cause I got no idea.

So what`s new this week :

Tetris Turns 10

Click the pick above for a link to a page with 10 interesting tid-bits on Tetris. All I remember is Kirsty and Mary playing this damn game for hours, I never really got into it(or was it I was never real good at it ;) ).

The Future of Flash Memory is e-SATA/USB keys.

Click the photo for a link to the Japanese supplier, unfortunately my kanji is a little rusty so you`ll have to translate yourself.

Mandatory Swine Flu Pic :
Just when I thought Swine Flu pics were getting hard to find, I`ve found more for future blogs
New “Search Engine” Technically its a “computational knowledge engine” but in effect you can ask it questions. I`ve got some that I`ve seen entered in that amused me :

  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
  • meaning of life
  • are you skynet
  • hello
  • what is your name

Seems pretty cool, you can experiment around with it.

So whilst we`re on search engines as such : Bing.

As usual click the image for a link, this is Microsoft`s latest crack at Google, personally I`m sticking with Google.

Now E3 is currently going on, new stuff out Beatle`s Rockband, New Wii Motion Plus controller, but what I think is the grand announcement is Project Natal from Microsoft :

This is gonna rock, all you people who bought Wii`s and PS3`s are feeling pretty sick right now aren`t ya.(Well Yes I do own all 3 so I didn`t technically make a choice)
For all my E3 news I personally follow IGN and Kotaku for all my E3 news, as well as my standard Tech Blogs : Gizmodo and Engadget.

Now at the Google I/O conference they made an announcement about a new product called Google Wave You can watch the video below but essentially it`s what Email should have been, looks cool will have iPhone and Android compatability, so Awesome, can`t wait.

Couple of new movie trailers for you all :

Moon, Sam Rockwell, good actor, this looks like a good thriller coming out.

For Kirsty, Mary and Adele : New Moon :

I tweeted this the other day, but Adele missed it, so I thought i`d put it up here for you.

Toy Story 3 :

What`s not to love about a new Pixar movie, I`m REALLLY looking forward to Up. Let me guess you don`t know what that is, well here :

Now the new comedy I want to see is called The Hangover :

The scene with Mike Tyson cracks me up.

Anyway, better go see what life is doing whilst i`ve been doing this. Till next time. Bye.

Weekend Stuff

By phroghollow, February 15, 2009 6:20 am

So Adele has changed her mind and instead of Half Hog`s Bristle on the door`s etc. we are going for a high gloss White Watsonia(any tips for getting rid of brush marks on high gloss paint are appreciated).

Side note : whilst out to buy our paint, even though we had managed to park almost right in front of the doors, Adele managed to lose the car, despite the fact I was standing behind it and waved at her and she also looked straight at me.

But anyway here is the painting so far :

So basically from this :
To this :
A long process, it takes 3 coats to get us this far, we may do a fourth coat tomorrow we`re going to see how it looks tomorrow morning.

So tomorrow both Adele and I have the day off, we both are going to get new mobile phones, me to get the HTC Dream, it`s the first phone in Australia running the new Google Android Operating System :
Adele will be getting the 6500 Slide :

I tried to convince her to get a Dream as well but she doesn`t think it`s worth the cost, now we`re also trying to bring our Home phone over to Optus as well as Telstra have well and truly p*ssed us off. They have given us nothing but grief since we joined them and we figure they have not listened to complaints from us and the only way to get them to listen is to drop them completely.

I am a little worried about how my bad credit history will affect my getting a new phone, but as it`s now 4 years and 11 months since I paid off my bad debts it should be ok, if not i`ll have to wait till the 9th of March which is the 5 year anniversary of my bad debts being paid off,(note to all pay your debts, debt collectors are whiny b*tches). I`ll be jumping onto MyCreditFile on the 9th of March whilst we`re on Stradbroke Island to get a copy of my credit report, hmm, maybe I will wait till we`re back in Canberrra, so Al depending on wether I am successful in getting a new phone tomorrow you may have a new phone shortly.

So anyway, that`s my update, i`m gonna leave you with some funny pics I found in the course of my internet surfing, I generally find lots of amusing stuff but I just forget it but here`s a start :
Those of you with a Nintendo Wii will appreciate this :
And the other is this :
My Question is what is the machine gun for??

Aight everyone fingers crossed for our phone excursion tomorrow, Bye.

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