First Day Off

By phroghollow, June 4, 2009 5:40 am

Well, I haven`t been motivated to do anything today(well besides sleep a bit). So I thought i`d do a quick blog, hasn`t been much happening to update you this week, we`re off to Sydney this weekend to visit Adele`s friend Gemma and her husband Sam & their daughter Natalie who you`ve all heard about on Adele`s Blog. So we`re staying in Parramatta, time to get the GPS out again cause I got no idea.

So what`s new this week :

Tetris Turns 10

Click the pick above for a link to a page with 10 interesting tid-bits on Tetris. All I remember is Kirsty and Mary playing this damn game for hours, I never really got into it(or was it I was never real good at it ;) ).

The Future of Flash Memory is e-SATA/USB keys.

Click the photo for a link to the Japanese supplier, unfortunately my kanji is a little rusty so you`ll have to translate yourself.

Mandatory Swine Flu Pic :
Just when I thought Swine Flu pics were getting hard to find, I`ve found more for future blogs
New “Search Engine” Technically its a “computational knowledge engine” but in effect you can ask it questions. I`ve got some that I`ve seen entered in that amused me :

  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
  • meaning of life
  • are you skynet
  • hello
  • what is your name

Seems pretty cool, you can experiment around with it.

So whilst we`re on search engines as such : Bing.

As usual click the image for a link, this is Microsoft`s latest crack at Google, personally I`m sticking with Google.

Now E3 is currently going on, new stuff out Beatle`s Rockband, New Wii Motion Plus controller, but what I think is the grand announcement is Project Natal from Microsoft :

This is gonna rock, all you people who bought Wii`s and PS3`s are feeling pretty sick right now aren`t ya.(Well Yes I do own all 3 so I didn`t technically make a choice)
For all my E3 news I personally follow IGN and Kotaku for all my E3 news, as well as my standard Tech Blogs : Gizmodo and Engadget.

Now at the Google I/O conference they made an announcement about a new product called Google Wave You can watch the video below but essentially it`s what Email should have been, looks cool will have iPhone and Android compatability, so Awesome, can`t wait.

Couple of new movie trailers for you all :

Moon, Sam Rockwell, good actor, this looks like a good thriller coming out.

For Kirsty, Mary and Adele : New Moon :

I tweeted this the other day, but Adele missed it, so I thought i`d put it up here for you.

Toy Story 3 :

What`s not to love about a new Pixar movie, I`m REALLLY looking forward to Up. Let me guess you don`t know what that is, well here :

Now the new comedy I want to see is called The Hangover :

The scene with Mike Tyson cracks me up.

Anyway, better go see what life is doing whilst i`ve been doing this. Till next time. Bye.

28 Responses to “First Day Off”

  1. cory says:

    robbys@tribal.blatz” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    good info….

  2. donald says:

    hookworm@dogmatism.woe” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  3. Wade says:

    faucet@wayne.bruhn” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!!…

  4. troy says:

    vassal@lose.austria” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thank you….

  5. Tracy says:

    billing@varieties.healed” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  6. Nathan says:

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  7. Morris says:

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  8. randy says:

    latters@chaise.conning” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    good info….

  9. ronald says:

    varlaam@bays.obliquely” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  10. clifford says:

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  11. Terrence says:

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    thanks for information!…

  12. johnnie says:

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    thank you!!…

  18. Orlando says:

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    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  19. Jose says:

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    tnx for info!!…

  20. Glen says:

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    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

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    tnx for info!!…

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  25. joshua says:

    weightlessness@hamburgers.insult” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïñ çà èíôó….

  26. Barry says:

    unison@thwack.coronary” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  27. Leonard says:

    smudged@crashes.bawhs” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  28. Jessie says:

    earthmens@aparicio.mounted” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thank you….

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