Well known Guest Star Theory

By phroghollow, February 21, 2009 5:17 am

Just a random thought for the day :

Something i`ve noticed when watching pretty much any Drama….well I suppose any Tv show that requires a villain or fall guy is that the most well known guest star is generally the person who did it. Basically if the show you are watching has a character that is not normally a re-curring character that is played by an actor that you are sitting there thinking what do I know that person from, then you will find that most of the time the villain is the character played by that actor.

Reasoning behind this appears to be that the day to day villain is generally required to deliver lines and acting that is above the norm for your everyday “extra” or sub-par wannabe actor, so basically it requires an actor that has generally proven themselves in a speaking role previously, i`m not saying every villain is a well known actor{i.e a well know A-List Actor), it is just usually a case of that actor looking familiar from somewhere.

Anyway that`s my theory it seems to work, Adele and I have tested this on Criminal Minds, Bones, NCIS and a few other shows, it doesn`t always work as we have not seen every show on the planet, but generally if you look at imdb after a show is over and look at the credits for the main villain they will have had some part in a show that required some lines or acting to be delivered.

Well it`s been a plethora(Jefe, do you know what a plethora is?) of posts today but I think that`s it for the day. Bye.


By phroghollow, February 21, 2009 4:18 am

Now that I have a data plan and can access the net pretty much on the go, I`ve setup a Twitter account to try and see if I use it, so anyway for updates on what i`m doing should be able to be found at http://twitter.com/phroghollow i`ve added a link on the left in my contact`s, i`ve given gmail as well as hotmail, i`ve had my hotmail account pretty much since hotmail was around{i.e before Microsoft bought it} and I don`t really see myself ever giving it up but i`ve now got the Gmail account so people can email me whilst i`m on the go on my new Android phone, have you checked it out yet Al? That reminds me, you blogging yet Al? I`d be very interested in what you have to say on a Blog.

Oh and Kirsty Hugs should be free. But as a Birthday present any photo`s of Misty would be appreciated. {I miss my Kitty:~( }. The grand plan is a tattoo of him on my left arm so any of him up close and looking at the camera would be awesome. Thanks all. Bye.

Birthday iWOOT

By phroghollow, February 21, 2009 3:19 am

Well it`s nearly that time again and just so everyone has an idea of what to get me here are some idea`s for my birthday, here we go, now everyone seemed to be overwhelmed by choices of DVD`s to buy me for christmas so I have made a concise list of DVD`s :

The Fifth Element (BLU-RAY) Note this is the Blu-Ray version I already have the standard DVD :
Red Dwarf – Beat the Geek :
Red Dwarf – Smeg Ups :
The Goodies – The Final Episodes :

Now onto non-DVD Items :
Leatherman, I lost my leatherman and I have been lost without it so I need another one :
Now Finally I love the idea of Visa Gift Cards, you can use these just like a Visa Card which is great cause then I can order stuff over the internet :) .

Now news that I need to share is that my poor XBox 360 has succumbed to the infamous Red Ring Of Death during the recent heat wave, which means that I can`t play the new DLC(Down Loadable Content) for GTA4(Grand Theft Auto 4) at the moment, however the gift cards I got for Christmas is paying for the DLC when I get my Xbox back from repair, so shout out`s to those that gave Gift Cards :) . Now time to go help Adele setup her new table in her scrapping room.

Of Course I would like a netbook for my birthday if everyone wanted to throw in?? but no that`s a bit much to ask at this stage, I don`t really need one as I have my new phone and already have a laptop. Or maybe Tivo, Adele has been hassling me for Tivo for ages, but again at $700 I think it`s a bit much, plus I download all our TV so it`s all good. So anyway, I`m out, Bye.

PS I need everyone to check and see if they have any Photo`s of Misty for me. Thanks.

New Phone

By phroghollow, February 16, 2009 6:20 am

Well I got my new phone, Adele got hers as well, basically they`re both in her name Woohoo, I`m on a $59 cap with a $20 data pack on top, so I get 1.5Gb of Downloads on my phone, which is lucky as it seems to be fairly data intensive, but i`m overjoyed :) .

Our painting has been disappointing as when we removed the tape today, half the paint has come off with it, i`m thinking we`re going to have to sand it all back to wood so the paint bonds with the surface.

I`ve been searching around and found some more stuff, I feel this bottle of Sauce may last me at least a week :

I think I found Al`s next birthday/christmas present here as well :
But really just a blog to tell you I have my phone and am extremely happy with it. Bye.

Weekend Stuff

By phroghollow, February 15, 2009 6:20 am

So Adele has changed her mind and instead of Half Hog`s Bristle on the door`s etc. we are going for a high gloss White Watsonia(any tips for getting rid of brush marks on high gloss paint are appreciated).

Side note : whilst out to buy our paint, even though we had managed to park almost right in front of the doors, Adele managed to lose the car, despite the fact I was standing behind it and waved at her and she also looked straight at me.

But anyway here is the painting so far :

So basically from this :
To this :
A long process, it takes 3 coats to get us this far, we may do a fourth coat tomorrow we`re going to see how it looks tomorrow morning.

So tomorrow both Adele and I have the day off, we both are going to get new mobile phones, me to get the HTC Dream, it`s the first phone in Australia running the new Google Android Operating System :
Adele will be getting the 6500 Slide :

I tried to convince her to get a Dream as well but she doesn`t think it`s worth the cost, now we`re also trying to bring our Home phone over to Optus as well as Telstra have well and truly p*ssed us off. They have given us nothing but grief since we joined them and we figure they have not listened to complaints from us and the only way to get them to listen is to drop them completely.

I am a little worried about how my bad credit history will affect my getting a new phone, but as it`s now 4 years and 11 months since I paid off my bad debts it should be ok, if not i`ll have to wait till the 9th of March which is the 5 year anniversary of my bad debts being paid off,(note to all pay your debts, debt collectors are whiny b*tches). I`ll be jumping onto MyCreditFile on the 9th of March whilst we`re on Stradbroke Island to get a copy of my credit report, hmm, maybe I will wait till we`re back in Canberrra, so Al depending on wether I am successful in getting a new phone tomorrow you may have a new phone shortly.

So anyway, that`s my update, i`m gonna leave you with some funny pics I found in the course of my internet surfing, I generally find lots of amusing stuff but I just forget it but here`s a start :
Those of you with a Nintendo Wii will appreciate this :
And the other is this :
My Question is what is the machine gun for??

Aight everyone fingers crossed for our phone excursion tomorrow, Bye.

Been A While but that`s due to lack of Energy

By phroghollow, February 5, 2009 6:21 am

I Hate Diets, I feel I exercise better than I diet.

I been on the WiiFit for 1/2 an hour a day minimum with at least 10 mins of jogging in that, and i`ve been doing all aerobic exercise, if that don`t work, as soon as we`re finished with the wedding i`m off to the Gym people, I believe I have learnt a bit about the foods i`m eating and can go on with healthier eating, but dammit I need carbs.

So I have a new phone I want, actually it was on my iwoot list last year, but was then only available in the US, it`s like a sign from god actually, It`s the HTC Dream available from Optus, 2 days after Adele`s contract expires, so that`s right people we`re in here, unfortunately i`m working on the 16th of Feb, so i`m gonna have to go on an extended lunch break to get it, I don`t care people, i`m doing it.

Now wanted to give out some cool link for an iwoot, after listening to the Christian Bale Rant from the set of Terminator Salvation(listen to it here ), I want one of these :
Now if you have listened to the rant, now go here(Gotta love AICN) to read the context of the rant, I still like Christian Bale as an actor, and we all have bad days, I just think he went a little over the top on this one.

So that`s about it, the Supercomputer is going well Specs :
Intel Core 2 Duo 8200 CPU
Gigabyte MoBo
Geil 4Gb 800Mhz DDR2 RAM
1Gb 4650 ATI Video Card.
I`ve now dumped the 1Tb and the 750Gb Drive`s in there as well, I think I may need some more space in the next couple of months though :( . But for now this will do us more than enough speed wise anyway, space is easy to expand(esp with 2Tb drives now out) :) , it`s so good having everything in one place. I do need a larger screen (32″ LCD 1920×1080 resolution will do me).

So big question is who is going to Jason and Kathryn`s Wedding in the cook Islands? Unfortunately that is a little out of our price range at this stage. Maybe if we had like an 18month leadup to it we might be able to look at it but at this late notice, definitely not.

Now different note, some Cool Websites :
So Cute, I go here for some cute stuff all the time.

I`ve been going to this site for a couple of years now, mostly at work when I get some time to surf the net, I feel the govt can`t really argue with a humanitarian website. Even if it`s like a game.

So it`s Top Gear Live tomorrow night, nice romantic night in Sydney with the Missus :) .
(CARB FEST IN THE MORNING AT THE INCLUDED BREKKY, no I promise i`ll try and be good, Honest)

Anyway Kidlets, that`s all. Bye.

Days Off, I love them

By phroghollow, January 20, 2009 6:22 am

So first day off, as usual, my body doesn`t know what day it is, so I was up most of last night and then slept all morning, I got kinda creative and burnt a whole heap of disc`s for people Adele will be sending them tomorrow.

Big thankyou to Nat for her artwork, which you can see on Adele`s blog. It was way cool, It even made me watch Kung Fu Panda again.

Tomorrow, I`m going to see if I can do some gardening, the side of the house looks like a jungle, but a jungle made out of thistle`s so its on with the gloves and see if I can pull them out, it all depends on what the weather is like tomorrow, if it`s too hot it`ll be put off till a more convenient time.

I`ve been carbo loading so I can stock up for our Celebrity Slim onslaught. Had an all carb lunch, Adele made me have veggies for tonight, I plan to have carbs for lunch tomorrow, and then we`re having a BBQ tomorrow night.

That`s about it, the little hairball was most upset when he couldn`t go out this afternoon, and we`ve been getting Large Hailstone Warnings on the TV, but it seems pretty quiet now.

Alrighty then. Bye.

Blog from the bog

By phroghollow, January 18, 2009 6:23 am

So yesterday I installed a new browser on my phone which means I can blog on my phone, I also found if I “utilise” the next door neighbours wi-fi which is unsecured I can do this without interrupting my downloads, Alright its technically on the grey side of legal, I swear I will go teach them how to protect their wi-fi .

Adele is off with her mother at DFO, hope she buys me a present. I bought Wall-e the other day on Blu-Ray taking my Blu-Ray collection to 5 but until prices start falling on Blu-Ray discs I refuse to really buy them it’s only a couple I want.

So a big shout out to all of you in shake land, from what we’ve discussed we’ll most likely be joining you, I hereby vote a carbs fest at Clare’s wedding, who’s with me?

alright ti,e to get off this thing my but’s numb, and I still can’t find the scale toilet seat, so till next time . Bye.

I`m Back

By phroghollow, January 14, 2009 6:23 am

Well, I`ve been back for a while I guess, just didn`t want to admit it. :(

Our Trip to Ballina was awesome, we had fun and could do it again, but next time for much longer, and next time we`d like to be up there for a 20/20 game, Our Huge thanks out to Kim and Beth and the Resort DeMontwood, the place looks great and the pool area is stunning, there is a construction on the side that is coming along nicely too, Kim says its a shed to cover the pool filter, I say its a self contained Bar and Snooker Room, I`ll come help you finish it next time Kim, but only when its not so hot.

Still I have a trip to Sydney with the wife(staying overnight in 5 star luxury) to see Top Gear Live and then we`re off to Stradbroke Island for 10 Days, woohoo, and I miss out on the 2 night shifts before I go, so I might even be lucid for those 10 days yay. Now I`m also looking forward to hiring a scooter for those 10 days, so we need someone who lives near Stradbroke Island to go and get us Pricing(Hmm does Clare actually read this thing).

So everyone is losing weight for this wedding dealy, so I`ve made my blog Bacon Optional, for those of you who still want Bacon click here : Phrog Hollow With Bacon . Take`s a second to load, but those bacon lovers out there will appreciate it.
On a lighter note, I have found something to help those trying to loose weight :The Toilet Scale, now I`ve often stated I feel 2 kilo`s(or more sometimes) lighter after visiting the smallest room in the house, now I can definitely tell, i`m tracking down somewhere to actually buy this now, but alas it appears it is in design stage only at the moment.

Well, CES (Consumer Electronics Show) for the unitiated/unsophisticated, is over for another year. This year`s winner was in my opinion the Palm Pre :
Again no details on release dates to Australia but looks good, I was holding out for an Android phone, but this is pretty spectacular, watch the video`s around the net and it speaks for itself. I`m waiting till after Mobile World Congress is over as apparently HTC have some damn good stuff coming that runs Android, but we`ll see.
Now I know Mary is sitting there going that`s nothing special, so yes I did find something at CES I think she would apppreciate, no its not the Elvis Singalong pack :
But the Elvis pack did come a close second, no I looked at your sense of elegance, taste, and love of all things shiny and glittery, it is the Furry Phone :

Now we are still waiting for someone to start actually producing this item in mass numbers, but be aware, i`m on the email waiting list and i`ll let you know.

Anyway what have I done in the last 4 days? Well I mowed the lawn, changed the washers in the Shower so now we don`t have to watch the water dripping and replaced the Gas bottle in the BBQ, I also watched a crap load of Malcolm in the Middle which I just finished, I`m onto How I Met Your Mother next.

I did get Bolt so I watched that, it Ridunculous, well you`ll all understand when I send copies out, when does school holidays end?? Cause Kirsty I found the Girls the most awesome movie to watch, after this the High School Musical Trilogy will pale into comparison :
That`s right kiddies, all the singing and dancing, but with added God, and none of the classy Disney production values that worry about things like wether most kids would rather stab themselves in the eye with a spoon(because it`ll hurt more – did everyone get the Robin Hood reference there) than watch this crap or not.

We did spend last night watching Twilight(Very Crappy version, Adele demanded I download it). Well After watching it and making stupid comments throughout I think Adele is nearly learning to ignore me. Now I wont pass judgement on this and what it missed in the whole established vampire genre just yet until I see it in perfect clarity and can then rip it to pieces objectively. We then watched the end of the Cricket, and spent an enjoyable half hour at the end trying to find Kim and Beth in the Crowd, alas we didn`t see them but we tried.

Well, i`m spent, time to watch some NCIS and Mentalist fresh from the USA, stuff you Australian TV, Fastracking means actually getting off your lazy butts and airing it quicker than I can download it.

Well I`m off Cya Later. Bye.

Merry Christmas

By phroghollow, December 26, 2008 6:24 am

Well, i`ll see you all soonish. It`s been a tiring christmas, I have finished my rotation so time to enjoy christmas.

Did everyone track santa`s journey? NORAD(North American Aerospace Defense Command) has got a web page to allow you to do it : Here. As we all know, Santa has finished for this year, but will be going again next year so you can watch it live.

Adele is going to hit the sales today(well 1 at my request) The Good Guys apparently have a good deal on USB Thumbdrives $8 for 8Gb or that was what I thought I saw, then again I haven`t really had that much sleep in the last couple of days.

Well Nighty Night all, i`ll see you tonight, and for goodness sakes update your blogs. Bye.

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