Category: Presents

Birthday iWOOT

By phroghollow, February 21, 2009 3:19 am

Well it`s nearly that time again and just so everyone has an idea of what to get me here are some idea`s for my birthday, here we go, now everyone seemed to be overwhelmed by choices of DVD`s to buy me for christmas so I have made a concise list of DVD`s :

The Fifth Element (BLU-RAY) Note this is the Blu-Ray version I already have the standard DVD :
Red Dwarf – Beat the Geek :
Red Dwarf – Smeg Ups :
The Goodies – The Final Episodes :

Now onto non-DVD Items :
Leatherman, I lost my leatherman and I have been lost without it so I need another one :
Now Finally I love the idea of Visa Gift Cards, you can use these just like a Visa Card which is great cause then I can order stuff over the internet :) .

Now news that I need to share is that my poor XBox 360 has succumbed to the infamous Red Ring Of Death during the recent heat wave, which means that I can`t play the new DLC(Down Loadable Content) for GTA4(Grand Theft Auto 4) at the moment, however the gift cards I got for Christmas is paying for the DLC when I get my Xbox back from repair, so shout out`s to those that gave Gift Cards :) . Now time to go help Adele setup her new table in her scrapping room.

Of Course I would like a netbook for my birthday if everyone wanted to throw in?? but no that`s a bit much to ask at this stage, I don`t really need one as I have my new phone and already have a laptop. Or maybe Tivo, Adele has been hassling me for Tivo for ages, but again at $700 I think it`s a bit much, plus I download all our TV so it`s all good. So anyway, I`m out, Bye.

PS I need everyone to check and see if they have any Photo`s of Misty for me. Thanks.

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