Day`s Off, I love them

By phroghollow, June 16, 2009 5:37 am

So next week I was doing a course which would have meant that I was starting work on Monday, but now I`ve been bumped from the course till later so I get Monday and Tuesday off as well. SWEEEEET, I will hold them to sending me to the course though. Still I have Mary & Al here for 3 nights and possibly Clare for 1.

So today was taking Adele to have some routine tests done at the hospital(Don`t worry all just normal stuff). So whilst she went and did that, I went searching for Miami Ink on DVD, I saw it at JB Hifi for $60 for the first 6 collections which are normally $30 each but I was too slow and missed it, But then I found it at Dick Smith PowerHouse :
Sorry DSE you have no DVD`s on your Website, so JB gets the link this time(Click the pic for a link). Both Adele and I are huge Miami Ink fans, we used to sit in hotel rooms and watch Foxtel just so we could see it, whenever we went away, so I downloaded most of them but there were some that weren`t available and we decided that we would just buy the DVD`s. So that`s what we`ll be doing today, watching Miami Ink.

Now I seem to get visitors here that hit the video`s so here we go :
Creationists sh*t me, so to show how ridiculous it is :

- But I suppose if you want to believe in it, go for it, just do not try and push it on me or anyone else.

Swine Flu Pic :

Anyway, thats about it really. Bye.

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