Category: DVDs

Damn Car

By phroghollow, August 24, 2009 5:33 am

Well the Commodore is slowly dying, apart from the Drivers seat which is bent, the Driver`s side door lock actuators are screwed, resulting in the doors not being able to be opened, so imagine if you will, me hauling my butt across the centre console to the passenger side to get out, if these are replaced then we need to replace the Body Control Module, all up looking at $1-$2,000 to fix it, so we`re thinking its time to investigate Car Leasing.

So today whilst Tuggeranong Auto Electric looked at the locks on the car, I went and saw GI Joe :

Verdict :
Umm, I should have waited for Inglorius Basterds to start. It was Ok, just not great, you really need to turn your brain off to watch this, but its ok as a brainless blowing crap up movie, As for Inglorius Basterds, tomorrow is Tight Ass Tuesday, so we`ll see.

Bought 3 DVD`s today, Clerks & Chasing Amy 2-Pack from Revolution CD for $11.95 thereby completing my ViewAskew universe DVD Collection and I also got Jersey Girl from K-Mart for $7, I still need to get Zack and Miri Make a Porno to complete my Kevin Smith Collection though.

Meanwhile, i`m on the downhill run to 150,000 Experience points in Farmtown, DAMN Facebook games.

Alright, i`m out. Bye.

Edit :

“Have You Checked the Children”

By phroghollow, December 12, 2008 5:31 am

Remember this? The one where the babysitter gets the calls from someone saying “Have you Checked the children?” and its the killer who`s killed the kids and is inside the house with her despite the fact she`s locked all the doors…..One of Mary`s $1 horror specials that warped and twisted my sensitive young mind? I got it and the Sequel on DVD for $5 each, there is a cool cheap DVD shop at Riverside Plaza, looks fairly temporary, not a huge range but I got some specials :
Big Trouble In Little China
Leon : The Professional
Running Scared
The Saint
The Untouchables
Team America : World Police
Tank Girl.
So as you can see none from my want list below, but some cool movies anyway.

So I do have one to add to my want list :
For all those of you who have not seen Batman : The Dark Knight, WATCH IT. it is a fantastic movie, it should be watched at the Cinema but if you cant, get thee to a Hi-Def LCD/Plasma and watch the Blu-Ray copy. If you cant do that, just watch the copy I provided.

So its a rainy day here, Kitty is all sooky cause its wet and he can`t go out without wetting his little feets….Awwwww. No really he`s a sook. He`s been asleep in the cupboard most of the day, shedding all over my pyjama`s.

That`s about all my news for now. Bye.

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