Category: Papercraft

Papercraft Skull

By phroghollow, May 8, 2010 9:41 am

Heh, we`ve had a flashing red light up in our office for over a week now.

I decided to do something to make it look a little less harsh, so I found a bit of papercraft on :

Papercraft Skull

You can print it out yourself here : papercraftskull

Here is some finished pieces :

And when the Red light now goes off the skull makes it look like this :

Glowing Skull

Aight, thats enough for tonight, Bye.


By phroghollow, April 23, 2010 9:57 am

Testing out Mobile Upload from My Phone, here is a papercraft ceiling cat

Edit :

So I uploaded some pics of my efforts with the Ceiling Cat PaperCraft.

Hope you enjoy :) . Bye

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